Setting up Flatlake collections

Collections are how files are grouped in Flatlake. Each collection specifies:



  - output_key: "posts"
      - path: "collections/posts"
  - output_key: "people"
      - path: "collections/authors"


Each collection requires an output_key, and at least one inputs entry containing a path.

#Input > Path

A path from the global source to add to this collection.

Files within this collection input will be treated relative to this path.
In the below example, a file at <source>/collections/posts/ will be output at <dest>/posts/post-a.json.

  - output_key: "posts"
      - path: "collections/posts"

#Input > Glob

The glob expression Flatlake should use when finding files within this collection. Defaults to **/*.{md} to select all markdown files in any directory.

  - output_key: "posts"
      - path: "collections/posts"
        glob: "**/*.{md}"

#Input > Merge Data

Fixed data that should be merged into each collection item sourced from this input.

  - output_key: "posts"
      - path: "collections/posts"
           source: "collections"

#Output key

The folder to use when writing single and list files for this collection.

In the below example, a file at <source>/collections/posts/ will be output at <dest>/files/post-a.json, and list files for this collection will be available at <dest>/files/all/page-1.json.

  - path: "collections/posts"
    output_key: "files"

#Page size

The page size to use when writing paginated endpoints within this collection. Defaults to the global page size, or 100 if that is not set.

A value of 0 will output all items on the first page.

  - path: "collections/posts"
    output_key: "posts"
    page_size: 20

#Sort key

The front matter value that should be used when sorting list endpoints in this collection.

  - path: "collections/posts"
    output_key: "posts"
    sort_key: "date"

#Sort direction

The direction to sort items in. Must be asc or desc.

  - path: "collections/posts"
    output_key: "posts"
    sort_direction: "desc"


For within this collection, what endpoints should be created.

Available endpoints are:

Endpoint Description
single Creates an individual JSON endpoint for every file
list Creates paginated endpoints at [collection]/all/page-[number].json
aggregate Creates aggregation endpoints at [collection]/aggregate/[key]/[value]/page-[number].json

All endpoints are enabled by default. Specifying a list here will limit the output to those specified.

  - path: "collections/posts"
    output_key: "posts"
      - "single"
      - "list"

#Single elements

For each file’s individual JSON endpoint, what Flatlake should include in the file.

Available elements are:

Output element Description
data For data files, represents the entire file. For files with front matter (e.g. .md), represents the front matter. Output inside the key data.
flat_data The same as data above, but all keys are output at the root of the file rather than inside a data object.
content The raw text content after any front matter. Output inside the key content.
content_ast The content after any front matter, parsed as markdown and saved as a structured AST. Useful for rendering this content in non-web contexts. Output inside the key content_ast.

Single endpoints output data and content by default.

  - path: "collections/posts"
    output_key: "posts"
      - "data"
      - "content"

Elements are processed in-order, which might affect which keys are chosen when using flat_data if your front matter contains keys named content or data. Elements specified later in the list will override keys from earlier elements in this case.

#List elements

For lists and aggregations within this collection, what Flatlake should include alongside each item in the list.

Available elements are the same as those described in Single elements section above.

List endpoints only output data by default.

  - path: "collections/posts"
    output_key: "posts"
      - "data"
      - "content"